Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Learning Time With Noah

A few weeks ago Kakapo class had to teach a Tui buddy some skills for twenty minutes. My buddy was Noah. He's pretty funny. I taught Noah some maths and I think that he learned a lot. After that I read Noah a story. Then Noah was telling me some 'funny' jokes. I told him a few too. I enjoyed teaching Noah and he listened to what I told him to do.


  1. Hi James
    this is a really awesome blog.
    I love the posts you post on here.
    Its good to see you post things for your viewers.
    You should post videos or a new cool topic on your blog.


  2. Its great you're leading the school well by getting to know our junior students James - great!

  3. Hey James I'm Lucas. I read your post and I thought it was amazing and your buddy sounds like a wonderful friend. I can't wait to read some of your other posts. You said your buddy likes to tell jokes here is one you could tell him. ahh James Bond i'v been expecting you then take 2 breaths like you are puffed out, then wait for 2 second then say no lift and he should be in stiches. See you. By Lucas j a Tamar Pupil Blog.

    1. Hey Lucas thanks for commenting on my blog. I'll remember that joke it's really funny. Do you have a blog? If you do could you tell me what its called so I can comment on your blog. Bye.

      James :)
